Important features of the quote

Please refer to the Car Salary Sacrifice Scheme Policy document and Scheme Rules for full details of the scheme before proceeding.

  • The additional wear and tear reimbursement is not shown in the quotes and will be paid vis TMC. Where applied, the payment will be 13p per mile for all business miles completed after the first 15,000 business miles per tax year.

  • When you first log in you will be asked to input your gross salary. Please only enter your contracted gross salary and do not include the MEA, overtime or bonus payments

  • The Motoring Expenditure Allowance and the salary you forego in exchange for the car is called the salary sacrifice.

  • The quote will show the net cost to you.

  • You will pay for the car in the month that the vehicle is delivered on a pro-rata basis. For example, if your monthly sacrifice is £500 and you receive the car Half-way through a month you will pay £250.

  • The net cost includes the salary sacrifice, tax and national insurance savings, and benefit in kind tax to be paid.

  • Pension savings will show £0. This assumes that you are in the Willmott Dixon Pension Scheme and pension contributions will continue to be calculated on the gross salary before salary sacrifice. Salary sacrifice deductions may reduce your contributions or final pension payment calculation for the other pension schemes. This will not be shown on the quote but will need to be considered.

  • If you are expecting a change in your personal circumstances (maternity leave, adoption leave, paternity leave, sickness, hours worked etc) or are in receipt of tax credits you should review the scheme rules and policy and carefully consider the impact a salary sacrifice arrangement will have.

  • At the end of the salary sacrifice arrangement you will return to your original terms and conditions of employment.

  • Quotes are valid for 21 days however they are subject to change in the event of any changes in supply costs, interest rates or government grants or legislation.

  • The vehicle lead time you’ll receive once your order has been placed with the dealer is an estimation only based on the current factory advice and cannot be confirmed until it arrives into stock. Typically we are experiencing lead/delivery times of up to 42 weeks.
