Frequently Asked Questions

  • The contract includes all costs of finance, maintenance, servicing, tyres, windscreen and glass, comprehensive insurance and full support from CLM.
  • In addition:
    • Zero Deposit
    • No Credit Checks
    • 36 Monthly Payments
    • No arrangement fees
    • No delivery fees
  • The contract does not include fuel, top up fluids including antifreeze, engine oil and AdBlue if required. This only applies between servicing; if any fluids are refilled as part of the service it will be included.
  • Although every effort will be made to arrange a courtesy vehicle, the contract does not include a free of charge replacement vehicle in the event of a breakdown or accident.
  • The contract does not cover damage caused to the vehicle by incorrect driving style, failure to follow the instructions published in the manufacturer’s handbook or impact damage. Any additional cost not covered under the contract will be the responsibility of the driver.
  • Cars can only be lease by employees.
  • Business and commute mileage can still be claimed in the normal way through TMC or as a casual user on a monthly basis. We will continue to publish the reimbursement rates on a regular basis with reference to the rates published by HMRC.
  • The quote provided will show an estimated monthly business mileage reimbursement that you will be entitled to after processing your monthly mileage claim through TMC. The amount shown is based on the estimated annual mileage that is entered and the Fortem reimbursement rates for mileage that are currently in place. The amount is subject to change based on the mileage and rate in place for each month of the lease. This is not a change to the current process but is shown on the quote to give visibility.
  • However, as with current company car drivers, reimbursement of commute mileage creates a Benefit in Kind known as Fuel Scale Charge for non-electric vehicles. This charge is a fixed amount depending on the car driven and does not link to the number of miles driven. Therefore, before claiming commute miles this needs to be taken in to account.
  • You can cancel the agreement within five working days of the date that you signed your agreement without liability or fee. Any cancellation after this period may result in you being liable for a cancellation fee.
  • Knowles Associates provide an administration service to your employer. We are not a leasing company, credit broker or hirer. All quotations, terms & conditions and documentation has been approved by your employer.
  • This scheme will be open to all our permanent people, including people in the core team, on successful completion of their probation period.
  • If you have not already done so you will need to create an account by selecting ‘Login’ under the ‘My Car’ heading at the top of the page. Once you have created an account, you will need to login using your username and password.
  • When you select request a quote, you will be prompted to provide your salary details for us to provide you with an accurate quote.
  • You can select from relevant filters to narrow down your vehicle selection before selecting your car from a dropdown menu.
  • Your quote will be produced with just your paint selection in the first instance.
  • After the first quote is displayed you can amend the quote to include accessories or adjust the mileage.
  • You will have the option to save any quotes which you can then return to at any time.
  • The quote provided is based on the gross salary and tax code (which can be found on your payslip) that you provided at the time of the quote; if your salary or any other aspect of your pay changes, there will be a direct impact on the savings calculated. It is likely that your sacrifice savings will change throughout the term of agreement due to pay point increments, promotion, changing in working hours and inflationary pay awards etc.
  • Below are some factors which could result in a change in savings:
  • Tax Band (excluding personal allowances)

    Taxable IncomeTax Rate 2020-2021
    Up to £37,50020%
    £37,501 to £150,00040%
    Over £150,000 45%
  • Income tax rate applies to the salary at each band.
  • The car benefit tax detailed within your quotation is for information only; for further details, please seek independent advice.
  • If you receive a salary from your employment you pay income tax through the PAYE system. If you receive goods or other non-cash items, you are receiving a "benefit in kind" which is taxable. A car that is provided by your employer through salary sacrifice is classified by the HMRC as non-cash income. The "benefit in kind" value of the car is calculated by multiplying the list price of the car by the CO2 percentage.
  • Each year HMRC publish a table of emission values that equate to a CO2 percentage figure. The percentage applicable to your car will update each year and this will amend the amount of tax you pay. An estimate of each year’s tax is detailed on your quote.
  • N.B. the percentage values apply to petrol engine, there is an additional 4% supplement for diesel engines, however this is capped at 37%. If your diesel engine meets the Real Driving Emissions 2 (RDE2) standard the supplement will not apply.
  • Payments made by salary sacrifice are a salary swap and not payments for the private use of the car. Therefore, the tax calculation is based on the greater of the List price x CO2 % or the Annual Sacrifice
  • e.g. £20,000.00 Salary x 15% CO2 percentage = £3,000.00 Benefit x 20% tax rate = £600 per annum Car Benefit Tax
  • No, it is a separate payment to the HMRC - The tax is collected through the PAYE system via an adjustment to your personal tax code. The HM Revenue & Customs will reduce your tax code by the value of the benefit. This simply means that, if you pay tax at the standard rate, the tax you pay will increase by 20% of the car benefit. When you apply for a quotation, we will calculate the estimated tax charge for you and we will inform the HM Revenue & Customs to adjust your code, if you take a car under the scheme.
  • Quotes are based on the best price available from several different lease companies at the time you obtain your quote. The leasing companies update their prices on a regular basis, in addition a lease company that provided a price yesterday may not do so today. As our website is constantly obtaining live prices, quotes can change from one day to the next. However, if you save the quotes, they are valid for 21 days meaning you can benefit from the best price.
  • Quotations are based on your own circumstances and mileage. These may differ to your colleagues and will result in a different price.
  • Prices supplied by lease companies which are used to calculate your quotes vary based on pricing from manufacturers, interest rates, legislative changes etc. As the overall cost of vehicles increase, the leasing costs will increase.
  • Please contact CLM if you wish to discuss changing your order on 01908 533777.
  • If you choose to cancel your order a fee may apply, please contact CLM if you wish to discuss cancelling your order on 01908 533777.
  • Unfortunately, there are reasons outside of our control which may cause your price to change. These can include quotes expiring, manufacturer price increases, legislative changes. We will endeavour to source a new price as close to your original cost as possible and we will contact you to discuss the increase.
  • If you have a vehicle on order and need a temporary vehicle whilst you wait for delivery, CLM may be able to assist with a lead in car. Please call us on 01908 533777 to discuss.
  • If you would like to discuss getting a home charge point fitted please call CLM on 01908 533777.
  • The government set an advisory electricity rate which can be paid to fully electric vehicles, this rate is currently set at 4p per mile.
  • To see vehicles available quickly go to our Specials page
  • Most cars are factory orders and will take around 12 - 14 weeks from order to delivery so please take this into account when you make your choice. Some vehicles may take longer.
  • We will contact you once your vehicle arrives into stock to make delivery arrangements. Vehicles can be delivered to a UK mainland address of your choice on a weekday.
  • For Scheme Policy click here
  • For Scheme Policy click here
  • For Scheme Policy click here
  • If you are leaving, you will most likely have to return your vehicle.
  • In order to investigate if your vehicle can be transferred, please contact us on 01206 252300 prior to handing your notice in. This will enable us to check if the vehicle can be transferred, so that you can make a fully informed decision.
  • If we are not advised of a potential transfer until just before or after the required transfer date, or if there are any gaps in employment, the transfer may not be possible, and you will be liable for any early termination costs. Therefore, early advise of a possible transfer is essential.
  • Transfers are not guaranteed.
  • If you are unable to transfer the vehicle you will have the following options:
    • Stay in your current employment and continue with the contract
    • Hand the vehicle back
    • Purchase the vehicle
  • If you request a transfer of your vehicle, a quote will be produced for you on the new employer’s scheme; in most cases you will see a change to the cost.
  • If you have a vehicle on order it may not be possible to transfer this. If transfer is not possible, you will be liable to pay any cancellation fees. Please contact us to discuss your options on 01206 252300.
  • We do not charge any fees in order to transfer your vehicle, however, fees may be charged by the lease company or new/old provider. Please contact us for more information on 01206 252300.
  • Yes, the vehicle is owned by the lease company and they have the final say as to whether the vehicle can be transferred to another organisation/employer.
  • A liquid solution used in some diesel engines to comply with Euro 6 emission standards by reducing harmful nitrogen-oxide emissions.
  • Any journey undertaken by you on behalf of the Company, such as meetings, courses etc
  • A tax imposed by the HMRC when a vehicle is provided by your employer for private use
  • The process of ending your lease car contract before it’s natural end date
  • The amount of Carbon Dioxide a vehicle emits expressed in grams per kilometre
  • A motor insurance green card is a document produced by car insurers to prove that a driver has adequate insurance cover for driving abroad.
  • Your pay before any deductions such as Tax, National Insurance and Pension Contributions
  • Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs
  • Rates set by the HMRC which you can be paid tax free for business mileage undertaken in your lease vehicle, any payments over and above these rates are subject to Tax and National Insurance deductions.
  • A dedicated charging point at home for an electric vehicle as an alternative to using a 3 pin plug, these usually charge faster than a 3 pin plug
  • This is the amount you will need to contribute towards the cost of an insurance claim, the remainder is paid by the insurer.
  • The company that owns your lease vehicle
  • Ministry of Transport test is an annual test for most UK road vehicles over three years old that tests the safety, roadworthiness and exhaust emissions of a vehicle.
  • Pay as you Earn – a system where your employer calculates deductions from your (Tax and National Insurance) and pays this directly to the government.
  • Any journey completed in your workday which does not fall under the definition of a business journey i.e. commuting. Any journey completed in your own time.
  • Real Driving Emissions - Any new cars sold in the UK and Europe must undergo rigorous emissions testing. Emission testing is normally conducted under lab conditions however, RDE is a test which is used by the manufacturers to test the emissions a car produces under real driving conditions. From September 2019 it has been mandatory for all vehicles to be put through the RDE test. If a Diesel vehicle, after testing, is classified as RDE 2 then it will not be subject to the additional 4% BIK supplement.
  • A payment method taken from your gross pay before deductions for Tax, National Insurance, Pension contributions etc have been calculated.
  • A set of maintenance tasks conducted at specific time intervals or after the vehicle has travelled a certain number of miles. The intervals are specified by the manufacturer and some modern cars display the due date for the next service electronically on the instrument panel.
  • Vehicle on Hire certificate - Proof of permission to take your vehicle abroad.