The Somerset County Council My New Car Salary Sacrifice scheme (“the scheme”) gives employees the opportunity to use a new, fully maintained and insured car. Somerset County Council (“the Council”) is working with Knowles Associates Total Fleet Management Ltd (Knowles Associates) to provide this benefit.
The car will be funded through a ‘Salary Sacrifice’ arrangement which means that an employee ‘sacrifices’ an amount of salary in exchange for the use of a vehicle provided to them by Somerset County Council who will source the vehicle and pay the corresponding monthly car lease payment to Knowles Associates under the framework of a company car scheme. The arrangement is designed in some circumstances to give the employee a saving in tax and National Insurance (NI) on the amount of salary that they sacrifice in exchange for the car, when compared with them funding a car out of their ‘net’ pay.
Car Salary Sacrifice calculation
With a car salary sacrifice arrangement, the employee is provided with a car which is available for their private use together with insurance, maintenance and other running costs. The full amount sacrificed will be considered when calculating the P11d benefit unless the car is an Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (of no more than 75g/km) in which case the CO2 emissions are considered and the benefit is likely to be less than the amount of salary foregone.
During the period of the lease the car will remain the property of Knowles Associates and will not be owned by the employee.
In order to process any applications within the scheme, Knowles Associates will need some personal information from an employee; this will include their name, home address and the preferred address for delivery and collection. If the application proceeds to an order, the home address will need to be retained for future correspondence. Knowles Associates will not use employee information for any other purpose than in relation to the scheme. All information once deemed unrelated/out of date will be removed from Knowles Associates systems automatically.
Employees are able to seek independent advice if they have any questions or concerns on the financial/tax implications of embarking on this scheme. Reference may also be made to the Frequently Asked Questions, which provides further information on how the scheme operates.
The only additional every day running cost is the fuel for personal use. Any business mileage undertaken in the lease car can be claimed at the Council’s normal business mileage rate, but the element above the HMRC approved lease car rate will be subject to tax and national insurance at time of payment. see the Travel and Subsistence policy for details.
Note: Some other costs may arise for which the employee is responsible but these are largely avoidable. The main potential costs are excess mileage charges, non-wear and tear tyre damage and punctures, unreasonable wear and tear at end of lease, insurance excesses where the third party has not reimbursed and early termination charges.
Cars under this scheme are provided by Knowles Associates to Somerset County Council who is responsible for the management of the cars throughout the term of the lease.
A Personal Lease scheme and an ex-lease car Purchase scheme are also available from Knowles Associates via the Somerset County Council My Staff Shop portal for those who are ineligible for Salary Sacrifice. Non-permanent staff are able to lease a car direct with Knowles Associates subject to personal credit status and/or purchase an ex-lease vehicle. Knowles Associates are able to provide finance for ex-lease purchase vehicles where required, subject to personal credit status.
This provision is also available to Council Members.
Employees or nominated drivers under the age of 25 who select a car through the scheme will be charged an additional £200 motor insurance excess on top of the standard £250 excess should a claim be made.
Under this scheme each car is individually priced and employees will effectively pay for the use of the car and other monthly fixed costs through payroll via a salary sacrifice arrangement, taking advantage of any existing tax and National Insurance savings delivered through this mechanism.
The 'sacrifice' is achieved by varying the employee’s terms and conditions of employment relating to pay. The employee will agree to this “variance” by signing the scheme’s terms and conditions during the ordering process, before joining the scheme.
A car salary sacrifice is a P11d benefit and your tax code will be adjusted by HMRC to reflect this.
For the period during which the employee’s salary is reduced as a result of the salary sacrifice arrangement the pensionable pay will also be reduced. To find out more about how this scheme will impact your final pension, please contact your pension provider.
If the pensionable pay used to work out your pension benefits is reduced it will mean that all of your benefits will be reduced which will include your pension, lump sum retirement grant, spouse’s or partner’s pension plus any lump sum death grant.
In the event of redundancy, the redundancy payment will be based on the gross salary prior to any salary sacrifice arrangement.
The employee will not be liable for any early termination charges should the car be returned early due to a compulsory redundancy. However, you will be liable for vehicle damage and excess mileage charges, which will be deducted from your final salary.
For voluntary redundancies normal early termination charges will apply.